- commit
- e93b271
- parent
- 5ececa2
- author
- Eric Bower
- date
- 2023-08-11 13:27:54 -0400 EDT
use pgs-action
1 files changed,
1@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ jobs:
2 run: |
3 pgit --out ./public --label pgit --desc "static site generator for git" --clone-url "https://github.com/picosh/pgit.git" --revs main
4 pgit --out ./public --assets
5- - name: upload to pgs
6- run: |
7- echo -e "${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}" >__TEMP_INPUT_KEY_FILE
8- chmod 600 __TEMP_INPUT_KEY_FILE
9- scp -s -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -v -i __TEMP_INPUT_KEY_FILE -r ./public/* erock@pgs.sh:/git
10+ - name: publish to pgs
11+ uses: picosh/pgs-action@main
12+ with:
13+ user: erock
14+ key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}
15+ src: './public/*'
16+ project: 'git'